BASE 501 is a multidisciplinary design agency, with a set of talented sparky designers brought together by their passion for design. We believe that every assignment is an opportunity for insight and innovation, that every designer is an expert in something important for our clients, that every client is a willing co –conspirator for great projects that work and that every account is a case study for our design leadership. Hence we help our clients create, conceive and implement functional, meaningful and personalised design solutions for their business.
Our motto is to “Be simplistic in all the right things”.
We love to work with clients big and small across the globe. The aim is to use our skillset to help clients grow and collaboratively help improve the world. With 7 years of past experience consulting clients the only work that matters to us is work that creates a positive impact.
Our vision is to realize the full potential of good design to drive a new era of development, growth and productivity.
Our Mindset
We are here to make great ideas come alive through excellent design driven innovative executions. We focus on keeping things simple. We believe that problems come in all shapes and sizes and so do their solutions, we at BASE 501 do not limit ourselves to using just one discipline of design. We combine the tangible world with the digital, to find the right mix of channels and give your ideas strength and purpose.