Fork Media Revisited
Fork Media Revisited is an extension of the project we had done for the brand earlier Graffiti Wall Fork Media known for its's off beat style and aesthetics has a huge brick wall spanning across 25 feet in width. Which we covered with Graffiti art, using elements and quirky words with resonate with the company and the brand language. Sound Booth At Fork Media they had a huge ship container in the middle which works as individual sound editing booths were the editors work on videos and create sound for the content the company creates. Hence the design of the container from the outside is of a boombox that generates sound Cabin Chalk art wall designs done for Fork media as a part of their extension, each cabin design is pertaining to the qualities and characteristics resembling to the person sitting in the cabin. We stuck to the brand colours yellow and black, & worked with a chalk art effect to give the cabin space a bit of a quirky feel to it, resonating with the culture of the firm