Kensho Ink is a brand, promoting the concept of Colouring for grown ups, It is a much stated fact that colouring in helps bring calmness to the soul and relaxes the mind, An activity done during childhood, is much recommended by psychologists today. Keeping this concept in mind, we wanted to come up with an idea that resonates with personal growth and peace. Hence this logo is inspired by Nam myoho renge kyo, a Buddhist chant that talks highly of the lotus and it’s quality. “Renge” is a metaphor that offers further insight into the qualities of this Mystic Law. The lotus flower is pure and fragrant, unsullied by the muddy water in which it grows. Unlike other plants it puts forth flowers and fruit at the same time This illustrates the principle of the simultaneity of cause and effect; we do not have to wait to become someone perfect in the future, we can bring forth the power of the Mystic Law from within our lives at any time.